So, I recently took up the sport of caving (Spelunking.) I know I'm claustrophobic and my heart rate sky rockets and I start sweating a lot when I go caving but I want to get over this somewhat rational fear. It's not running out of oxygen that scares me, it's being stuck in a hole for an extended period of time without being able to move my legs around or get help. Although I've had a great time overcoming my fears (I really have had fun caving), my little brother, Benji, informed me that my legs make me look like a dalmatian because of all the dark bruises. No one else seems to have been so dramatically affected, so I went to the vampires and am expecting my blood results soon. Whatever is going on, I'm always tired and that's a new development.
My new favorite romantic comedy is "Ghost Town," if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. I also realized that I'm a sucker for kids movies, you know what they say, "Getting older is mandatory, growing up is optional." Work is going well, I got offered a raise and promotion but it'll be three weeks before it takes affect. My new favorite song is by the All American Rejects entitled "Gives You Hell" I admit the language isn't the cleanest, but for some reason I relate.
Max has learned how to open doors which has become problematic because he's left the front door open a few times. Not only that but if he wants attention he'll sneak into which ever room he wants. Plus, he learned from Bella that if you meow enough, you'll get what you want. I'm trying to break them both of that habit now with the handy-dandy spray bottle. Max is training us rather well when he wants to go out, now we're continuing to train him that he can't go out after dark because of the coyotes. Although, he does blend in well and looks as sleek as a wild lion. Bella on the other hand has become miss lovey-dovey which is quite a change from the scardy cat she was a year ago. She falls asleep at my feet or against my back all the time. She doesn't necessarily want attention so much as to be close to someone.
Oh, I almost forgot, I've made it half way to my ideal weight. I've lost 37-38 pounds and only have another 25-30 to go. It's taken almost five months with no wheat or sugar. I've cheated a few times, but on the whole have kept it pretty strict. Now that I'm losing weight I am getting a lot more energy (or was until this whole blood problem appeared, Von Willebrands? Anemia? whatever?) So, more recently but not super recently I've been working out a bit. I've really been enjoying the weather. Here's to wishing for a cool Texas summer. :) Ever the optimist never the realist. :)